Tuesday 20 October 2009

Piggie Update: Pancake Pigs!!

I just went out to feed my guinea pigs, and they were all sitting on the floor, spread out like pancakes!! I rustled the bag of bunny munch, and they all came rushing over for food!! It's probably nearly all gone by now, along with the carrots and celery!!

Sunday 18 October 2009

Welcome to Out of the Hutch!

Welcome to post one of Out of the Hutch! This blog is all about how to care for your guinea pigs, what to feed them, and anything else you need to know about your pet. Also, there'll be an update about my pigs regularly, so you can keep up with all of the mischeif and adventures of Tiggy, Mousey Brown, Sooty, Fidget, Magic, Gwen and Holly!

Meet the Pigs

Holly is the most shy guinea pig you will ever come across - ever! We got her from the RSPCA in December 2008, and it's taken until now (almost one year later) to get her to trust us enough to go into the pen with her! She's big and fluffy, so we have to trim her hair all of the time so she can fit through the tubes!

Gwen is another RSPCA pig. We got her at the same time as Holly, and she was very thin when we got her, because her previous owners had kept her with a boy so she had about ten babies before we got her, and she was only one year old! A month after we got Gwen, one of our other pigs Daisy sadly died. But, as if Gwen knew of the loss, she gave birth the following day! We discovered that she had been pregnant ever since we got her, and the reason for her getting fat wasn't her eating well, it was babies growning inside her!

Fidget came from the RSPCA, just like Gwen and Holly. The reason behind her name was that when we collected her, it took the woman ten minutes to get her out of her hutch because she was so fidgety! Ever since we got her, we've noticed that she's completely bonkers, and she is quite a little character! She's always doing silly things, like walking past the water bottle and jumping in surprise when it drips on her, or chasing her imaginary tail!

Magic is Fidget's twin sister. She's quite boisterous, and always charging around and jumping over tubes! As well as being Fidget's sister, she's also her partner in crime. Whenever something happens, you can guarantee Magic and Fidget will be right in the middle of the fuss!

Mousey Brown is one of Gwen's babies. She is really sweet, and is always chattering away to herself. If I take veggies out to them, she's always the first to take a piece of carrot or celery. Also, she likes to nibble fastenings - buttons, zip pulls, everything she can get her teeth into really, including my prefect badge!

Tiggy is Mousey Brown's sister. She is the smallest pig, and looks jut like her mum, apart from the colour! She always gets in the food bowl to eat because she's so small. Last February, when the weather was very cold, I was carrying Tiggy back to the pig shed, and she jumped out of my hands and scurrien under the shed! We just couldn't get her out, so she spent the night under the shed. I woke up really early the next day to go and try to coax her out. Eventually, we managed to get her out by putting a big pile of food in a tube which led to a box. She was so hungry, she went straight for the food and we managed to get her safely home again.

Sooty is our only boy, and he's Mousey Brown and Tiggy's brother. He had to live by himself for six months because he's a boy, but now he's had his, ahem, "operation" (if you catch my drift!) he's back in with the girls. He's big and muscly, and is forever pushing the tubes around with his head!

Piggie Update

It's really cold today, so all of the pigs were cuddled up in the hay. Mousey Brown, Holly and Tiggy were all huddled together, and Fidget was half buried in a pile of hay!