Thursday 12 November 2009

Pig of the Month

This month's Pig of the Week is... Tiggy!! So, here's a bit of information about her.

* Tiggy is one of four babies. Her mum is Gwen, her sister is Mousey Brown, and her brother is Sooty. Sadly, her other sister Ruby died when she was just three months and one day old.

* Tiggy is the smallest guinea here at Out of the Hutch. She is so small, she can fit in one of my hands! Because of her size, she often gets into the food bowl to eat.

* Tiggy is now ten months and seven days old. Her birthday is on January 5th, when she will be one year old!

*Tiggy has had the biggest adventure out of all of the pigs. When she was bout thw months old, I was carrying her back to the shed, when she leapt out of my hands and scurried under the shed! We could not get her out, and she had to spend the night outside in very cold weather. Luckily, by the morning, she was so hungry that she had to come out for food, and we were able to grab her quickly before she could dissapear again!

So, now you now all about Tiggy, our Pig of the Month! Visit us again next month to find out who will be the next Pig of the Month!

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